Cookie policy

A cookie is a small text file with information stored on your computer, your smart phone or tablet when you visit a website. Cookies makes it possible to identify you as a visitor to the website and is used for the website to work more efficient. A cookie can be used to collect statistics, do market research or to personalise ads and offers.


There are two types of cookies. One type will remain on your computer for a specific duration of time. The other type is temporary and will only be used for as long as you’re on the website, then it will disappear.


Cookies can have different owners. Many websites use third-part cookies. These cookies are usually used to collect statistics and improve content and ads, they come from different business partners.

Why does The OG factory use cookies

The OG factory uses both lasting and temporary cookies on the website. We also use third-part cookies. We use cookies to improve our website and make it more user friendly and generally improve the user experience.

Some cookies are necessary for you to be able to use our website and make a purchase. With the help of our cookies we can also analyse the customer flow on the website and through the improve the website and our custom support. Through cookies we save information on which pages the users visit, Which enable us to adjust offer and marketing.